Studio #3- Working with Light outside the Studio

Wednesday 21st October- Andy Farrington

Today we were looking at different light sources and the effect they had when photographing someone.

We were split into small groups and asked to walk around the building and find as many different light sources as possible, including mixed lighting ie, tungsten light with light also coming in through the windows.

I know the title says Studio 3 and we arent in the studio, but this refers to Andys lessons which are usually in the studio and i want to keep my blog consistent so it is easy to follow.

First we had to set our cameras to Manual (as always) and then adjust the white balance according to the type of light we would be using.

We agreed that the temperature of the light would be between 2400k and 6600k and therefore we would need to set our camera to somewhere in between (most camera's wont go as low as 2400k) so Andy suggested we set the temperature to 4000k. My camera doesn't allow me to set the temperature so i set it to daylight White Balance which is the nearest thing to allow for all the various light sources we would be using.

The White Balance remained on daylight throughout all of the Photographs i took although some settings such as f stop (aperture) and shutter speed were changed slightly depending on the available light.

To give us a brief idea of what to look for Andy set up some lights in the studio and we took a photo of someone in our group and looked at the mixture of light on the subject.

Below are the various lights that we found and photographed:

Light 1

The ceiling light on the 4th floor corridor- Lucy stood underneath it.

Light 2

The lift, light from the roof, this was also reflecting off the mirror and onto george.

Light 3

On the stairs, the circular wall light, George standing underneath this, there was also light coming in from the windows around the building.

Light 4

On the stairs, unde.r the sign marked 4th floor, this again was mixed light as there was light coming in through the windows, lucy stood underneath it.

Light 5

In the 'tunnel' on the 4th floor, windows on both sides so daylight and spotlights from the ceiling, lucy.

Light 6

In the atrium under the floodlight, natural light coming in from the windows, george stood underneath it.

Light 7

In the canteen/bar, spotlight from the ceiling, lucy stood underneath, natural light also from the windows.

Light 8

In reception, spotlight from above the reception desk (different to the other ceiling lights and spotlights), george stood underneath it and there was also natural light from the main doors and windows.

Light 9

Old Photography building, lucy underneath the spotlight near the door, natural light also.

Light 10

Old Photography building, flourescent strip light in the ceiling, lucy underneath this and natural light from windows.

Light 11

Old Photgraphy building, strip lights in the other seating area (they appeared a slightly warmer colour to the other strip lights), george stood underneath them.

Light 12

Old photography building, in the corridor, a sqaure box light in the ceiling, lucy stood underneath this.

Light 13

Old photography building, in the ladies toilets, lucy underneath a block ceiling light.

Light 14

Old photography building, in the ladies toilets, george next to the window- mixed lighting from the ceiling lights and natural light.

Light 15

Back in the HE building, lucy in an area quite dark although some light coming in from the window, with a lighter near her face.

Light 16

Main college building, george in the corridor, spotlights in the walls and mostly pointing up at the ceiling so no light directly pointed at the subject.

Light 17

Main college building, lucy stood under neath the sky light with a small spot light pointing at her face.