Picture Project- Hunger

Due on Flikr on the 24th November

Firstly when we got this theme it made me think that Hunger will mean something different to everyone- like any theme would. To me it made me think of a few things and one image that came to mind was this:

Photograph by Kevin Carter

I think this image would have a dramatic effect on most people, it certainly brought a tear to my eye and really made me think about the situation. The fact that the Photographer killed himself 3 months after taking this just goes to show how harsh the reality of seeing something like this can be. I personally think that the guilt of taking a photograph and walking away from the situation would be enough to damage most people.

This photo shows another world, as far as we are concerned as even though it is just as real and important as our everyday experiences, it isnt something we are used to seeing.

Hunger to me means something different, and i wanted to try and express this through my final image.

When i showed my photo in our tutorial John said it may have been better in just black and white- i had shown part of the image- the food in colour. So i decided to use the better image on my Blog.

And here is a link to my Flikr site where i posted the original image and you can view the comments i recieved: